the Asian flavors along with Chinese roasted duck really make this rillette different and put a little twist on a charcuterie favorite. i think i've found an easy way to accomplish a great tasting fancy treat without alot of time and effort.
my secret trick is a Chinese style roasted duck. i can not pass one of these up when i visit my favorite Asian market...99 Ranch. it's like going to Costco and not getting the $4.99 roasted chicken. these things are fabulous. all done, cooked and crispy, moist and ready to eat $14.99...amazing. that's pretty darn good considering the normal price of a whole raw duck can be around $20.00-$30.00 bucks.
this can be done in a few hours.
what you'll need...
start with a whole roast duck. i get mine from an Asian market in Irvine called 99 Ranch.
break it down...legs, thighs, wings, neck and head, etc...i have the deli man do it for me, but let him know you don't want it chopped up Chinese style. i like to save the breast meat for myself, but throw the skin and fat into the pot.
2 onions, peeled and cut in quarters
3-4 smashed garlic cloves
2-3 stalks of lemongrass, white part only, bashed
2 inch piece of ginger, peeled and cut into rounds
2 jalapeno peppers halved
2-3 star anise
A few sprigs of cilantro
A few stalks spring onions (I used about 3)
Whole black peppercorns approx. 10 - 15
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 Tsp brown sugar
small jars with airtight lids...or ramekins if you will be eating within a week or 2
in a nut shell this is what you're gonna do...
put everything in a large stock pot and bring to a boil...then to a slow simmer for about 3 hours. take the duck out and strain the stock. don't use cheese cloth... you want to save as much fat as possible. let the stock cool and separate. let the duck cool enough so you can remove the meat from the skin and bones. pick or fork the meat apart into small bits, by hand works best ( kinda weird, but it should resemble tuna out of the can). add a little of the stock into the bowl of meat until it is moist. give it a good stir. taste test time...check for seasoning. fill little jars with your meat mixture...make sure there are no air pockets. i released the air pockets with a fork. you might need to add a little more stock if your meat mixture is not moist enough...flatten the top a little but leave enough room for a 1/4 inch of fat to cover the meat. put your jars with meat mixture in the fridge for about 20 min.(this helps the layer of fat stay on top instead of soaking though the whole mixture). remove from fridge and put the all important yummy layer of duck fat on top. use a spoon with care or a baster to cover the meat with the pure fat that has separated and floated to the top of your cooled stock. 1/4 inch should do the trick. you want a good seal. close with airtight lid and refrigerate. if sealed well with the layer of fat you can save them for weeks in the fridge. save the stock for a rainy day. the flavor is outstanding for a quick Asian style soup. (for example...my Duck Duck Soup)
when ready to eat, bring to room temp and enjoy. i really like to serve this with some pickled ginger and sesame crackers. give this a try..it's just a little labor intensive, but so rewarding when you open up your little homemade jar of charcuterie goodness.
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