I don’t know how I came across the snickerdoodle blondie. I was most likely food porn gawking taste spotting photo grazing when I spied a photograph of them. The cinnamon flecked crackly sugar crust atop the moist blondie base was so inviting that I could practically smell the vanilla cinnamon scent that's so characteristic of snickerdoodles. I could not wait to whip up a batch.
After some link hopping I found Julia's blog Dozen Flours and the recipe for this genius creation. Generally speaking, the name blondie means that it's a brownie without chocolate (and therefore blond instead of brunette). And, believe me; you will not miss the chocolate since the cinnamon sugar topping makes these blondies wipe-the-drool- from-your-face-insanely delicious.
I felt like I had died and gone to heaven when I took my first bite of the still warm from the oven snickerdoodle blondie. For a brief moment heaven was a playground covered in cinnamon sugar sand. I hope you feel the same way.

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